Woman with microphone speaks infant of room full of women

Give Women Life

Across various parts of India thousands of women are abused. Despite several laws and awareness campaigns, newspaper articles indicate that the situation for women in India is still concerning. Mainly for the victim blaming mentality, women and girls are asked to obey and their stories against abuse remain unheard.

Mission Statement

Through the means of this project we aim to educate women about rising concerns in regards to Female harassment, and in turn unite them as one to fight against these gender prejudices. Our posters are centred to educate them, while our website gives them chances to raise their voice, seek support and continue to grow and learn. With our social media our main aim was for the up and coming generation to create and be part of a revolution. Western media often ignores countries like India in terms of constant growing gender discrimination, it is only when people from within fight that there will be a change. 

Our Work:

These posters are positioned to raise awareness female harassment in India, and utilise the AR capabilities of ‘Artivie’ for interactive translation. View our whole selection of posters on our poster gallery.

Follow our Instagram to find locations of these posters in real time.

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We would love to hear from you regarding feedback, support or any opportunities you would like to promote.

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